
in the broadest conception

of black music, which is the

truest conception of black

music, black music can't be

conceived. a music of covers,

black music covers, and cover

is nonconceptual. if you've ever

been covered, or have you

ever been laid down, held

mutual and dappled, shift

untempered, ensemble, and

ardent in the only love,

which is incandescent hate,

so you know what covering

discovers, hands on, so what

it is to lay on—which blurs


in proximity—is all up in

what it is to approach and,

darkly, to reveal? if you've 

ever wondered if it's some

wandering in covering, if in

separable is gone, to go awry

and astray and still ain't gon'

get there, and still on the edge

in wait, then you gotta want

not to get there just as bad

as you wanna get away from

here, blown back, been

studying how not to know

unknown, black blue as black,

black burying ground, blue

as burnt black grounding in

the broadest, blackest edge.

Bibliographical info

Moten, Fred, "Covering" from perennial fashion presence falling. Wave Books, 2023. Griffin Poetry Prize 2024 Finalist. Used with permission from The Griffin Trust for Excellence in Poetry.

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